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Jam code of conduct

  1. Be respectful, aware, and inclusive of others. No aggression or harassment.

  2. Practice safely! Be mindful of potential risks and your current abilities.

  3. Trespassing can get the whole group kicked out, so check with organizers before going somewhere that may be out of bounds

  4. Always leave when asked to by security

  5. Ask before giving advice.

  6. Always check surfaces/integrity of structure.

  7. Do not damage landscaping or structures.

  8. No drugs or alcohol.

  9. No politics/religion.

We strive to maintain a safe, respectful environment. This is to maintain a healthy community and access to good spots. If you see any of the rules above being broken, alert an organizer. 


Parkour often involves using architecture in ways its designers didn’t forsee. When in doubt, play it safe! Test your surfaces and respect what others are trying to preserve, be it a flower bed or an object that may get damaged by training on it.

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