The Women’s Monthly Parkour Jam welcomes cis and trans women and non-binary folk to come practice and train with us. This is a free event open to all women of all ages, skill levels, and backgrounds who are encouraged to come out and practice movement together (people under 18 requires a parent to be present). Our goal is to create a welcoming session for women and beginners to parkour.
We will start with a 1 hour free beginner’s introductory class. This is a great opportunity to learn parkour if you are new, and a chance to refine your skills if you have more experience.
This will be an awesome time to connect with other women in the SF bay area, whether it’s an introductory lesson or a femme reunion. Collaboration is highly encouraged, this event is intended to help build and solidify the women’s parkour community. Please come out, enjoy the outdoors, and play with movement!
If you have room to carpool and are willing to help people get to this event, please post your availability. The more the merrier!

Photo of womens jam

Photo of womens jam

Photo of woman training

Photo of womens jam